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Radha MarcumDirector of Marketing and Communications

Radha Marcum

Boulder, Colorado

The first “river” that captured Radha Marcum’s heart was Gobernador Creek near her family’s home in Carpinteria, California. She has been inspired by waters of the West ever since, and has recently formed a strong connection to—along with a deep desire to protect—the rivers and lands of Rio Grande Del Norte National Monument, where she spends time with her family.

Motivating people to make healthy choices for themselves and planet has been a driving theme to Radha’s work as a journalist, editor, and marketer. For over fifteen years, she has built virtual communities and contributed to national conversations connecting personal health, healthy food and food systems, and a thriving environment. Her work has included developing strategic campaigns and content for The Wilderness Society, EcoCycle, and Boulder’s Center for Resource Conservation.

As River Network’s Director of Marketing and Communications, Radha cultivates the organization’s connectivity with water stakeholders. Working collaboratively with the whole River Network team, she empowers member organizations across the U.S. and expands the national water-stewardship conversation.

Radha holds a BA in Writing from Bennington College, Vermont, and an MFA in Creative Writing from the University of Washington, Seattle. Her collection of poems, Bloodline (2017), explores family and the canyons, creeks, and rivers of New Mexico and Colorado.