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House Bill 955 (Act 139)

July 6, 2020

This Act appropriated $500,000.00 in FY 2021 to the Agency of Natural Resources for engineering and construction grants to improve public water systems with confirmed concentrations of PFAS exceeding 20 nanograms per liter and on a do-not-drink notice.

It also authorized the use of up to $50,000 for “engineering and construction grants related to improvements for public water systems for grants
to reimburse schools that operate public water systems with confirmed concentrations of PFAS exceeding 20 nanograms per liter and on a do-not-drink notice for their costs for providing bottled or bulk water. Requires any monies received from a responsible party in connection with a grant made from the appropriation to be used for future capital construction acts. Creates a new special fund to be administered by the Secretary of Natural Resources to provide grants to public water systems responding to or remediating emerging contaminants in a public water supply.”

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