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House Bill 166 (Creates FY 2020-2021 operating budget)


The 2020-2021 operating budget invested $172 million to the H2Ohio fund in the state treasury, which will be used by multiple agencies. The fund is to be used for the following:  

“1) Agriculture water projects;  

2) Community water projects;  

3) Nature water projects;  

4) Awarding or allocating grants or money, issuing loans, or… purchases for the development and implementation of projects and programs, including remediation projects, that are designed to address water quality priorities;  

5) Funding cooperative research, data gathering and monitoring, and demonstration projects related to water quality priorities;  

6) Encouraging cooperation with and among leaders from state legislatures, state agencies, political subdivisions, business and industry, labor, agriculture, environmental organizations, institutions of higher education, and water conservation districts;  

7) Other purposes, policies, programs, and priorities identified by the Ohio Lake Erie commission in coordination with state agencies or boards responsible for water protection and water management, provided that the purposes, policies, programs, and priorities align with a statewide strategic vision and comprehensive periodic water protection and restoration strategy.” 

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