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Control of lead and copper – lead service line requirements (Ohio Administrative Code, Rule 3745-81-84)


Ohio’s Lead and Copper Rule was revised to require specific work practices when performing field work that could disturb LSLs, starting on October 1, 2018. The water system must notify customers of the work performed at least 45 days in advance and explain the risks involved (including the potential for higher levels of lead in water). “The water system shall identify the initial number of lead service lines in its distribution system… The water system shall replace annually at least seven per cent of the initial number of lead service lines in its distribution system.” Water systems are only required to replace the part of the lead service line that they own. They may offer to replace the portion owned by customer but do not have to cover the cost of replacement. Testing of partial LSL replacements will take place and the results reported to owners/customers. A “water system shall offer and provide drinking water treatment unit filters up to a period of three months to consumers in the area impacted by the replacement.” 

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